The Paredes Lab

neurodevelopment and disease

The Paredes Lab studies the cellular and molecular basis of perinatal human brain development with the overarching goal of understanding the cellular and anatomical architecture that underlie the unique functions of the human brain. We seek to advance ways to both directly investigate the human brain and to better model its development, using gyrencephalic brain model systems such as the piglet cortex. Our studies also focus on a poorly understood yet clinically important time in brain development, the perinatal period. This developmental window is of high interest in understanding the early formation and function of higher associative cortical areas, such as the prefrontal cortex and superior gyrus. Our overall objective is to provide new insight into how the complex gyrated brain forms and how this process may be vulnerable to perinatal injury, resulting in neurodevelopmental disorders such as Epilepsy and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Featured Publications

Implications of Extended Inhibitory Neuron Development.

International journal of molecular sciences

Kim JY, Paredes MF

Positive Controls in Adults and Children Support That Very Few, If Any, New Neurons Are Born in the Adult Human Hippocampus.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Sorrells SF, Paredes MF, Zhang Z, Kang G, Pastor-Alonso O, Biagiotti S, Page CE, Sandoval K, Knox A, Connolly A, Huang EJ, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Oldham MC, Yang Z, Alvarez-Buylla A

Amplification of human interneuron progenitors promotes brain tumors and neurological defects.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Eichmüller OL, Corsini NS, Vértesy Á, Morassut I, Scholl T, Gruber VE, Peer AM, Chu J, Novatchkova M, Hainfellner JA, Paredes MF, Feucht M, Knoblich JA