Lab Life

2024 Paredes Lab Retreat at Filoli Garden


October 2023

2023 Emma Bday

2023 Oier Bday


2023 Halloween


October 20, 2023  Baby Shower for Oier and Sol

Oier baby shower pic 1

 August 7, 2023 Celebration of Kadellyn Sandoval Guiterrez passing her Quals exam

August 1, 2023 Estefany Vasquez presents her project in the Summer Research Trainee Program (SRTP) 

Aunoy Poddar passed his Quals exam



July 28, 2023 Farewell lunch for Hannah Lambing


June 15, 2023 Farewell Dinner for Alex Rezai 


 2023 Celebration of Clara Maria Bacmeister, Jaz Harris, and Emma Horton for passing their qualifying exams


May 3, 2023 Llama Visit at UCSF


Feb 2023 Alex birthday


Jan 2023 Jaz birthday 




January 24, 2023 Dinner at BAIA


October 26, 2022 Lab lunch at Death by Taco



          October 14, 2022 Birthday party for Emma Horton on Weill Building 6th floor terrace 


August 31, 2022 Jaeyeon Kim, PhD presented in ACD Bay Area RNAscope Symposium


August 30, 2022 Green Tuesday 





August 6, 2022 Lab BBQ at Tilden Park








Lorna's Bakery   Our wonderful Lab Assistant who is also a great cook, treating us with her home baked food.